According to the International Association for Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD):
"There is no single option that works for all women with PMDD. You will want to work with your health care and support team to find the best treatment option for you. Many women find it is the combination of several treatment options that help the most."
Learn more about the recommended treatment options for PMDD by clicking here.
If you would like to discuss your personal treatment plan or treatment options with others who understand and have PMDD, the IAPMD's Peer Supporters are here for you and available anytime from anywhere in the world.
In Malta only few people and drs know about PMDD. When I gave birth to my daughter, they wrote that I suffer from from deepression I got very upset about this. This was last December...As Medication I take Nortrilen 25 mg. it helps me to sleep at night and to be focused during the day but still i get sad and edgy even frustrated about any thing. For this I hate my self that my kids and husband have to pass this time with me.
I'm sorry to hear of your struggle. I have felt the same way. It's interesting that you are Maltese. Both of my parents are Maltese but I live in Canada. I only discovered that this was PMDD about five years ago but similarly have struggled with it since the birth of my son. I suspect my mother had PMDD as well but undiagnosed. Could it be more common in the Mediterranean perhaps? Is there thought to be a genetic predisposition I wonder. In Canada the level of support for PMDD isn't any better, at least where I live. Most doctors have heard about it, and now that I'm seeing a proper psychiatrist, the knowledge level is a little bit better, but not enough. I hope that now that you know that it's not "just you", that your family can understand that you have a medical condition and that you are sometimes not your best self. I have been honest with my family about it and although I still feel guilty, I even put up a little sign on the fridge during my "bad week" so they are warned, and that helps me feel a little better if I lose control.
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